Sunday, 22 December 2013

San Francisco zoo

As Jane still wasn’t feeling too good it was going to be a lazy day for us today so we jumped on the L Traravel tram for half hour or so ride down to San Francisco Zoo. Can't remember how many years it has been since I last went to a zoo so I was looking forward to it. Is only a short walk from the stop to the gate and I'd found out that they rent wheelchairs out there so we asked about on the way in, what we didn't expect was that they would give Jane a $3 dollar discount and I got in for free to push her around, so instead of it costing $34 for the two of us it was only $14 for the both of us in the end plus the $10 charge they
made for renting out the wheelchair. It made it a lot easier for Jane to get around and we got to see everything; we never would have got around the entire place otherwise. The highlight was feeding time for the penguins, the keeper come out with a big bucket of fish and a hosepipe to keep the very big seagull away from their lunch, plus after he had made sure they had all been fed us told you all about how penguins live in the wild then answer's any questions you have about them, who would think that they live over 30 years in captivity. Even the food in the cafe wasn't too bad, you got a fair amount but it was a bit on the pricey side which is normal in most places like this. They even had a small replica steam train going round in there from the eighteen hundreds that the kids could ride, for a small extra charge of course. I think we spent about five hours in there all together and come out about 4:30pm.

It had been a long day for Jane but before we headed back on the tram we took a short walk across the road to Ocean Beach and watched the sunset over the Pacific Ocean. With that, we decided to call it a day and head back. The funny thing is it didn't seem to take half as long to get back on the tram as if did going. After having something to eat Jane went to bed for a bit so I sneaked off to try another Irish pub that I had found called Murphy's Bar, it wasn't the closest pub to where we were staying but not too far on the streetcar so 10 minutes later I was heading up the road to the pub. Is not a very big place inside but it's just like the ones you see on TV complete with the bartender polishing glasses when he's not severing five people at once. After spending a bit longer than planned in there and drinking more than I thought I had it seemed like a good idea to walk it back to the hotel as it was a very pleasant evening, I should have got the streetcar or a bus as I ended up completely lost and the GPS on my phone decided it didn't want to work anymore. It took me a bit longer to get back then I thought but I did get to see some of the back streets of the city with nobody else around and look at the Christmas lights on Market Street, I had to ring the buzzer when I got back to the hotel as they lock the door night if there is only one person on behind the desk to keep the odd people out that are around that area, I did find out later on that you could use your room key card to open the door but that didn't occur to me after I'd had a few beers. Time for bed then, we weren't going to do much the following day to give Jane a chance to recover plus I was starting to get a bit worn out as well now so it was time to take a day off as we hadn't really stopped since we got here, it all starts to catch with you after a bit, you don't notice it at first but going out nearly all day every day really wears you out after a while.